
When Should You Get Dentures

Almost 85% of adults will experience tooth loss during their lifetime. It can occur due to trauma, injury, tooth infection, or gum disease. Broken tee...

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Almost 85% of adults will experience tooth loss during their lifetime. It can occur due to trauma, injury, tooth infection, or gum disease. Broken teeth result from childhood injuries or accidents, which result in crooked teeth, which make people more self-conscious when speaking and smiling. Dentures are the optimal remedy for missing teeth that are still healthy. We want to highlight the scenarios in which you should get dentures in this post.


When There Is A Wide Space Between Teeth


If the space between your teeth increases, it may result in bone loss. Periodontal disease is considered the "silent killer" by dentists because you are unaware of what is happening to your teeth on the surface. While everything may appear fine and dandy on the surface, you may have numerous underlying concerns. Your teeth could be extracted, and there will be the need for support to other teeth, which can be provided only by dentures.


When You Have Missing Teeth


If you have already lost a tooth, you must take care of the remaining teeth to prevent further harm. When one tooth is lost, the other begins to deteriorate faster. According to a 2010 survey, 17% of persons over 65 lost all of their teeth. You should schedule your dental appointments in advance to avoid this happening to you.


When You Are Suffering From Tooth Decay Or Chronic Toothaches


An intense toothache is the first indicator of tooth decay. Additionally, it targets the nerve in the center of the tooth. When you start visiting your dentist early on, the cavity may be filled without causing further damage. This step is far easier than waiting until it becomes significantly severe, and it is also cost-effective. When a severely decayed tooth is diagnosed, it should be removed and replaced with partial dentures.


When You Have Swollen, Inflamed, Sensitive, Or Bleeding Gums


Your inflamed gums are an indication of developing periodontal conditions. The leading cause of tooth loss is gum disease. Gums start receding when you have a periodontal infection. Severity can lead to the teeth falling off from the gums. Gum diseases damage both gums and teeth, but dentures are the cure to both. Whether you are getting complete dentures or half, you will get the gums attached to the artificial teeth covering infectious gums and preventing further infection spread.


Final Thoughts


Dentures are the best and most cost-effective alternative if you have a decaying, crooked, or missing tooth. When one tooth is lost, the other teeth lose support. It will result in further tooth loss, which will result in poor eating habits and low self-esteem. Dentures strengthen the teeth and promote healthy eating habits.


Considering getting dentures? Contact your dentist in Walnut Creek, Dr. Tiziana Procopio Towle, DDS at Procopio Dental Office today to schedule your visit!




The Step By Step Guide To Dentures


*Neither this nor any other content in this media is meant to prescribe, recommend, or prevent any treatment or procedure. We highly recommend that you get the advice of a qualified dentist or other medical practitioners regarding your specific dental condition.

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