
Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants are replacement tooth roots that substitute for missing teeth. They are artificial tooth roots that can replace one or multiple missin...

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Dental implants are replacement tooth roots that substitute for missing teeth. They are artificial tooth roots that can replace one or multiple missing teeth. Made of titanium, dental implants function like natural teeth and are super easy to clean. Dental implants have numerous benefits, which is why they are becoming quite popular worldwide. Dental implant treatment has a high success rate, adding more to psychological well-being. Explore more benefits of dental implants and consider choosing them for your missing teeth. 


According to the Journal of Oral Implantology, Dental implants are effective up to 98% of the time, whereas crowns only survive between 50% and 80% for ten years. 


Despite advancements in dental care, many Americans suffer tooth loss for various reasons. These include severe tooth decay, dental injury, trauma, or periodontal disease. Recent statistics show that around 178 million Americans have at least one missing tooth. Moreover, approximately 40 million Americans are missing all of their teeth. Missing teeth cause poor jaw function and impair chewing and speaking ability. It also affects the adjacent teeth to shift and create bite irregularities. For lost and damaged teeth, you can have several options for restoration. Dental implants are one such option that stands out from the rest. 


What Are Dental Implants? 


A dental implant is an artificial structure inserted into the patient's jawbone. It acts as an anchor for the artificial tooth, known as a "crown." The crown is custom-made to fit adequately in the patient's mouth. The artificial tooth is connected to the implant by an "abutment." 


Dental implants are usually available in two forms, i.e., endosteal and subperiosteal. The former is more common and is placed in the bone. The latter is slightly different and is placed on the bone. These implants are known as root implants and are fused directly to the jawbone. Rather than drilling now in the jawbone, the dentist will prepare below the patient's gumline. Afterward, a metal frame is installed over the top of the bone. And after gum healing, the artificial tooth root is installed. 


Some people have missing or decayed teeth but do not qualify for the standard criteria for implanting artificial tooth roots. Therefore, before discussing it with your dentist, knowing if you are a candidate for implants is essential. So, let's explore the requirements for dental implants. 


  • Healthy Gums - The patient's gums should be healthy and free from gum disease. The oral health professional will closely work with the gums throughout the procedure. 
  • Adequate Bone Density - The bone density should be sufficient to support and protect the implants. Otherwise, the dentist would utilize the "bone grafting" method before installing the implants. 
  • Good Oral Health and Hygiene - The patient's oral health should be in good condition to minimize complications during or after the procedure. 
  • Minimal Bruxism - A patient with usual teeth grinding or clenching would exert too much pressure on the implants. It will risk the implants, and they'll end up as a failed procedure. 
  • Non-Tobacco Users - Those who use tobacco won't be good candidates for dental implants. Tobacco and smoking prevent healing in the mouth and decrease the success rate of implants. 

 Benefits of Dental Implants 

Remarkable Benefits of Dental Implants 


Dentists place more than 5 million dental implants every year in America alone. It shows dental implants are famous and have many benefits. Besides improving the bite force and correcting the problem of missing teeth, dental implants provide both personal and psychological benefits. Here we will discuss the most dominant and unique benefits of dental implants for your enlightenment. So, let's get started. 


  • Prevents Jawbone Loss 


When there is no tooth, the space causes the jawbone to deteriorate. The missing tooth, left untreated, further affects the jawbone density, continuing over the years. When the missing tooth isn't replaced in the first year, the jawbone decreases to at least 25% of its volume. 


Many people choose dentures to replace their missing teeth. However, it is also a valid option to fill the space. But dentures often become loose and, in a way, could accelerate bone loss. Dental implants are best to stimulate natural bone growth and help prevent bone loss. 


  • Restores Bite Force 


Dental implants are super comfortable and help restore the bite force. The implants are made of titanium which is a biocompatible material. This titanium alloy provides excellent strength and support to the artificial tooth root. As a result, the person can eat normally and exert the biting force without worry. This biting force provided by implants is almost the same as that of natural teeth. 


Other tooth replacement options, such as dentures, do not restore nearly the same amount of the bite force. They aren't anchored in a place like the implants, which provide a strong foundation. Moreover, options like dentures mostly sit on the top of the gums and need to be anchored better. Dental implants are appropriately anchored in the jawbone and facilitate the biting force and chewing capability. 


  • Enables Chewing and Speaking Power 

 Benefits of Dental Implants 

People with missing teeth have difficulty chewing, impairing their natural speech. If they are missing a few molars, they cannot eat well and are deprived of enjoying their favorite foods. Implants fill the gap created due to missing teeth and make it easier to eat again. 


Teeth play an essential role in speaking; missing teeth at the front can impair natural speech. It can be embarrassing and distracting, especially in a public space. Dental implants fix such issues and make it easier to speak with confidence. Implants provide a surface for the tongue to press again while forming words and prevent them from slipping around in the mouth.    


  • Supports Adjacent Teeth 


The gap created because of a missing tooth causes teeth shifting. These teeth shifting can cause the teeth (on either side of the opening) to move and result in teeth misalignment. Misaligned teeth create cosmetic flaws, are harder to clean, and cause you to chew improperly. Moreover, they increase the likelihood of cavities, tooth decay, or gum disease.   


Dental implants support the adjacent teeth and fill the gap of a missing tooth. So, it prevents teeth shifting and eliminates the chances of teeth misalignment. Dental implants help you maintain a brighter and even smile and elevate your confidence. 


  • Powerful and Permanent Restoration 


Dental implants are highly durable and offer a permanent restoration for missing teeth. However, dental implants usually last for a lifetime if proper dental hygiene is maintained. Other tooth replacement options mostly need repairing or a periodic replacement with time. Though, you may require replacing the crown on your implant after 15 years. 


The implants efficiently integrate with the jawbone and are a powerful tooth replacement option. Implants are designed to fuse with the jawbone, so they are permanent and mimic the natural tooth function.     


  • Prevents Facial Sagging 


Teeth support the facial structure; when you have missing teeth, you lose that support, and it could result in facial sagging. As a result, it changes your face's shape. These changes include excess wrinkles around the mouth, a more pointed chin, thinning lips, and so on. Because of these changes, you may look older than before. 


Facial sagging happens because of inadequate bone density that results from missing teeth. Dental implants prevent facial sagging and help maintain the shape of your face. As a result, you enjoy good oral health along with psychological well-being. 


Concluding Thoughts 


Dental implants are super easy to clean and behave just like natural teeth. They are designed to offer a permanent solution to tooth loss and can even last for an entire lifetime. Besides supporting adjacent teeth, dental implants help prevent tooth cavities. If you have missing teeth and want dental implants, be ready to visit your dentist. Replace your missing teeth and have no embarrassing slippage afterward.


Contact your Walnut Creek Dentist, Dr. Tiziana Procopio Towle, DDS at Procopio Towle Dental Office, to learn more about the Benefits of Dental Implants.




Most Common Types of Dental Implants


*This media/content or any other on this website does not prescribe, recommend, or prevent any treatment or procedure. Therefore, we highly recommend that you get the advice of a qualified dentist or other medical practitioners regarding your specific dental condition*   

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